Yes, both NaturalReader and BeyondWords offer a Free Trial.
Pricing for NaturalReader Starts at $4.99/month whereas for BeyondWords Starts at $89/month.
NaturalReader offers several advantages, including Cross-platform compatibility, Compatible with PDFs, Web, mobile app, Chrome extension and many more functionalities.
The cons of NaturalReader may include a Limited voice customization, No offline functionality, Limited language options, Limited emotion effects. and No API for integration
BeyondWords offers several advantages, including Voice-cloning technology, Automated audio content management, Text-to-speech editor, Auto-convert content, RSS Feed Importer and many more functionalities.
The cons of BeyondWords may include a Limited voice library, Lacks real-time text-to-speech feature, Complicated text-to-speech editor, No customized player options. and Lacks multilingual support