Luna AI offers Free Trial, but IntelliGeniusAI does not.
Pricing for IntelliGeniusAI Starts at $20/month whereas for Luna AI Starts at $39/month.
IntelliGeniusAI offers several advantages, including Different content capabilities, Various language support, Custom templates, Assists beginners and veterans, Speech to Text and many more functionalities.
The cons of IntelliGeniusAI may include a No free trial mentioned, Limited team members option, No offline functionality mentioned, Limited to certain languages. and Limited customer support options
Luna AI offers several advantages, including Generates LinkedIn content quickly, Provides unlimited content ideas, Assists in post formatting, Inspiration for writing hooks, Saves considerable time and many more functionalities.
The cons of Luna AI may include a Waiting list for access, LinkedIn specific, No drafting feature, No multilingual support. and Doesn't integrate with LinkedIn directly