Yes, both FilterPixel and Phosus offer a Free Trial.
Pricing for FilterPixel Starts at $360/month whereas for Phosus Starts at $2.99/month.
FilterPixel offers several advantages, including Windows and Mac availability, Photo culling automation, Potential issues identification, Applicable to various genres, Supports RAW and many more functionalities.
The cons of FilterPixel may include a Can't edit video, Requires learning user's style, Limited seamless platform integrations, Supports only three formats. and Single user profile
Phosus offers several advantages, including Inpainting feature, Style Transfer feature, Low Light Enhancement tool, Automatic Background Removal, Image Auto Fix and many more functionalities.
The cons of Phosus may include a No support for video editing, Only supports REST integration, Inconsistent image enhancement results, Limited scalability. and Limited style transfer options