Neither Code-genius nor Findly offers a free trial.
Pricing details for both Code-genius and Findly are unavailable at this time. Contact the respective providers for more information.
Code-genius offers several advantages, including Real-time code analysis, Provides smart suggestions, Offers code optimizations, Generates unit tests, Creates code documentation and many more functionalities.
The cons of Code-genius may include a No offline use, Lacks version control features, Limited language support, No peer collaboration feature. and Lacks data security features
Findly offers several advantages, including Easy-to-use chatbot, Generates actionable data insights, No SQL or Python knowledge required, Uses natural language processing, Reduces Time To Insight (TTI) and many more functionalities.
The cons of Findly may include a Lacks APIs integration, Limited to SQL databases, Only works on Slack, No Python interpretation support. and Limited onboarding efficiency improvements